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ERTS has extensive experience in providing waste management services for transportation, warehousing facilities, oil and gas industry, and manufacturing facilities. ERTS has provided our clients with significant cost savings while ensuring their liability minimization. ERTS will ensure that your company is kept in compliance and reduce your liability. ERTS will find the best waste management technology for your waste at the lowest cost possible.

  • Our notification systems have the ability to you with continuous updates needed to determine the disposition status of your waste streams at all your locations.
  • Your point of contact will collaborate with you and your stakeholders to assure for proper waste handling beginning with waste characterization and ending with manifest collection and reporting.
  • ERTS will determine if your waste can be repurposed or recycled to assist you with your sustainability goals and eliminating the cost of disposal. ERTS will also look at chemical processes to eliminate need for waste disposal or reduce waste from a hazard class to a non-hazard.
  • Your one point of contact at ERTS will provide project management and technical oversight to ensure each and every waste disposal project is coordinated efficiently and consistently with quality, reliability and timeliness of completion.
  • Your ERTS one point of contact will work directly with Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (TSDF) in order to provide you with the most cost-effective prices for waste disposal & transportation.

Please contact us for more information on our waste disposal management or if you have waste in need of removal and are looking for the most cost-effective solution.